Friday, March 28, 2014

Apologetics: Articles for your interest

Here is a selection of blog-posts I have written in the past. I hope these posts don't just find your interest but are also helpful! Enjoy!

General Topics:

Passing Judgement: Is Phelps in Hell?

Matthew 7:1: "Do not judge, or you too will be [judged]", is the, if not one of the most cited (and quote-mined) Bible verses in this secular and religiously counter-Christian culture. It is often offered loudly and with a finger in the face of the Christian that is being accused of judging. Is Jesus telling us to not pass judgement in this passage of 7 verses? No.  - Continue Reading Here

The Answer Is (C): Who created God? of my sixth graders that I minister to as their youth-pastor interrupted my Bible lesson with a retort to something that I said:"Okay that's all good and all..." he commented. "...but if God created us, who created him?" - Continue Reading Here

Breaking News! Macro Evolution Is A Fact!

The Macro-Evolutionism controversy is a hot topic and I’d say as a result a lot of plainly false conclusions have developed on both sides of the debate. - Continue Reading Here

Killing Religion: Should the world be rid of religion?

"...religion has been an enormous multiplier of tribal suspicion and hatred, with members of each group talking of the other in precisely the tones of the bigot." ... This line came after 20 pages of examples of how religious convictions have been used to harm and kill people throughout the years, all around the world. - Continue Reading Here

The Good News is Old News: How old is the Christian religion?

There are things in life that should be common knowledge, but isn’t. 2) Those things should be common knowledge because they are, like the relationship between the two fictional characters Jessica and John, ‘old news’. - Continue Reading Here

Leave Your Religion At Home!

Political laws and personal convictions are founded on morality and the tenets of one’s morality is founded on a worldview. - Continue Reading Here

Heresy & Apostasy: Be careful what you say

...the abandonment of a religious faith thus it would be true that someone who abandons their faith in toto, e.g. Christianity to Islam *could* be classified a heretic; - Continue Reading Here


True Or False: Gay marriage?

Is accepting homosexual unions under the banner of marriage the same thing as putting a ramp on a bus or building a ramp to the front of a house? - Continue Reading Here

More Than Equality: Responding to the LGBT tactics

In many Christian conservative circles where homosexuality is frowned upon there is a common belief in the existence of the infamous 'Gay Agenda': an agenda to make the world gay affirming! It sounds like a great plot for a James Bond spoof film doesn't it; but is it true? - Continue Reading Here

Canada's Praise For Perversion: The fear of offending the LGBT community

Regarding Canada's mindset - where is it at these days? In the name of equality and rights we in the West are blinded so much so that we can't see past the term 'good cause' as it relates to an assumed good cause called - gay rights. - Continue Reading Here

Dealing With Sin In The Church: Is the sin of homosexuality worse than others?

I was recently having an online conversation with a skeptic about a blog that I wrote... . ... In no uncertain terms Joe expressed his view of Christianity in America. He said:americas church has no interest in solving poverty or helping the poor - nope they spend MILLIONS upon millions of dollars trying to pass laws to get rid of the evil gays. - Continue Reading Here

Did Jesus Talk About Homosexuality?: First, who is Jesus? (Part -1)

Did Jesus say anything on the issue of homosexuality? There are many issues within Scripture that many people believe God is silent on: homosexuality, the doctrine of the Trinity, abortion are only three examples. - Continue Reading Here

Russia's Homosexual Law: Is there wisdom in it? (Part 1)

[What does] 'being gay' or 'being a homosexual' means. In a discussion on a friend's Facebook page, a Facebook "friend" of his proposed this question, "Does the bible really say that being gay is wrong". - Continue Reading Here

Beyond The Russian Boarder: The effect of Russia's ban on 'homosexual promotion' on the world

Are homosexual relationships equal: In health safety? Natural compatibility? Diverse parenting needs for children? - Continue Reading Here

Protecting Children From Evil Info: Russia's ban on gay publicity

Is all discrimination bad? We discriminate against theft. Are we being bigots for not letting someone break into our home and steal our property? Even if perhaps it was for survival? No. Is someone a bigot then for not permitting a certain type of information to be given to our children? Maybe? What if this information was harmful? No; in fact not exposing vulnerable children to harmful information might be considered an act of maturity and responsibility. - This mature and responsible act was made federally legal on June 29, 2013 in Russia. - Continue Reading Here

Heresy & Apostasy: Calling evil good

Why is promoting or permitting a sin like homosexuality wrong? - Continue Reading Here


Proselytization & Defending: Loving or Harmful?

...Paul’s passage refers to unbelievers. How can ‘the world’ call on the name of the Lord and thus be saved, if they are not told about Him?  - Continue Reading Here

Your Personal Story: A study in 1 Peter 3:15

19 year old William Swinimer was suspended from school for being a religious zealot of sorts regarding his Christian faith. He was overt about his faith to his classmates, but the straw the broke the camel's back if you will was a shirt he wore to school one day: A bright yellow t-shirt that said: "Life is wasted without Jesus." - Continue Reading Here

Dealing With Evil With Love: A study in 1 Peter 3:15

One big issue that the world (and even many Christians) have with many Christians, not Christianity as that is another matter, is what I have called the Cavalier Christian; the Christian who will run in relentlessly preach, citing scripture hear and there and swoop out! This is especially problematic in some Christian apologetic circles; many people, youth and adults alike seem to get it in their heads that they are out to save the day! - Continue Reading Here


What Is The Proper Vehicle For Evangelism?: A response to Pastor Randy Clark - Part 1

In a recent article entitled Leave Apologetics Out of Evangelism Pastor Randy Clark argues that the use of reason has no place in the act of evangelism. ... What is effective evangelism - Continue Reading Here

Signs, Miracles, Wonders & Apologetics: A response to Pastor Randy Clark - Part 2

A few days ago, I was flipping through status updates on Facebook to come across a very frustrating article entitled Leave Apologetics Out of Evangelism by international speaker and pastor, Randy Clark. I wanted to write a response to his article, but not because I was offended at his suggestion that apologetics, an issue that I am greatly passionate about, is not a viable evangelism tool but rather because he is making two very flawed proposals. - Continue Reading Here

The Dual Effect Of The Evangelistic Methods?: A response to Pastor Randy Clark - Part 3

Some people don't need to be given more proofs for God's existence, or evidence for creation; - Continue Reading Here

Missing The "Academic Elephant" In The Room: A response to Pastor Randy Clark - Part 4

Evidence! This word has been running around the blogosphere, a very wide variety of academic literature and in personal and professional conversations for years - heck, as it relates to the last two paradigms the word evidence has been used for centuries! But it begs the question: when a group such as members in the scientific community or individual people proclaims something to be 'evidence of X' what are they insinuating? - Continue Reading Here

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